Search Results for: classical

Homeschool Conversations podcast Classical Education, Homeschooling, and the CLT exam

Classical Education, Homeschooling, and the CLT

In the world of homeschooling, the debate between individualized education and standardized testing often sparks passionate discussions. In today’s podcast episode, I sat down with Regina from the Classic Learning Test to learn more about classical education, homeschooling, and what sets the CLT apart. Discover how the CLT aligns with a customized learning experience, why […]

Classical Education, Homeschooling, and the CLT Read More »

Classical Education for Students with Special Needs homechool conversations learning differences homeschooling help

Classical Education for Students with Special Needs 

Classical Education has a reputation for targeting the brightest and most precocious students and providing far too rigorous a path for any but the child prodigy. But is that actually the case? Can classical education provide a path forward for students with special needs? Indeed, classical education contributes to intellectual growth regardless of a child’s

Classical Education for Students with Special Needs  Read More »

classical conversations CC homeschooling homeschool conversations podcast Charity Miner

Classical Conversations and Couch Schooling (with Charity Miner)

Today’s guest is one of my real-life local friends, Charity Miner. She is the mom of 3 teens who’ve enjoyed homeschooling with Classical Conversations, including one who is graduating this year. Charity likes to be your homeschool big sister, and her perspectives on couch schooling, homeschooling a neurodiverse child, and the end goal of Classical

Classical Conversations and Couch Schooling (with Charity Miner) Read More »

Latin for Children Classical Academic Press homeschool curriculum review Primer A Primer B Primer C

Latin for Children: our favorite homeschool Latin curriculum from Classical Academic Press

Learn why Latin for Children from Classical Academic Press is my pick for the best homeschool Latin curriculum! I took Latin for several years as a homeschool student and continued my studies with 2 semesters of Latin in college. My favorite of those classes was the semester we did nothing but Latin readings! We’d come

Latin for Children: our favorite homeschool Latin curriculum from Classical Academic Press Read More »

common arts classical education homeschool chris hall interview

A Common Arts Education in Our Classical Homeschool (with Chris Hall)

Hang around with Classical and/or Charlotte Mason educators, and you’ll probably hear about the Liberal Arts pretty quickly. You’ll likely even hear discussion about including the Fine Arts in our homeschool education. But, what about the Common Arts? What does it look like to include the Common Arts in our education, and why are they

A Common Arts Education in Our Classical Homeschool (with Chris Hall) Read More »

Adrienne Freas Homeschool Conversations Podcast interview classical charlotte mason homeschooling

Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschooling (with Adrienne Freas)

In our final regular episode of Homeschool Conversations Season 3, I’m joined by Adrienne Freas, another one of the lovely guest suggestions I received from Karen Glass. Adrienne has experience as a Classical Charlotte Mason homeschooling mom, and has also worked to implement these ideas in charter school programs. Our conversation touched on topics like

Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschooling (with Adrienne Freas) Read More »

why Christian classical education homeschool philosophy classically homeschooling

Why We Pursue a Christian Classical Education in Our Homeschool

You’ve heard about this thing called classical education and you’re curious. Should you choose to pursue a classical education in your homeschool? Or maybe you already consider yourself a Christian classical educator, but you’re feeling burned out. The kids don’t seem to remember or appreciate the things you thought they would, and you wonder if

Why We Pursue a Christian Classical Education in Our Homeschool Read More »

Analogies for All of Us Marc Hays Classical Conversations Homeschool Conversations podcast

Analogies for All of Us: Thoughts on Classical Conversations and Communicating Well (with Marc Hays)

Many of my friends have found Classical Conversations to be a good option for their families. While CC has not fit with our family’s personal or educational priorities, I know so many folks love CC, and several have asked me to include a Classical Conversations perspective on the podcast. Marc Hays is not only a

Analogies for All of Us: Thoughts on Classical Conversations and Communicating Well (with Marc Hays) Read More »

Jennifer Dow classical education poetry

Curiosity and Surrender: Classical Education, Poetry, and a Longing for Light (with Jennifer Souza)

I know it is a wonderful interview when I get just as many goosebumps while editing and preparing it for publication as I did when I first chatted with my guest! That was certainly the case with today’s conversation with Jennifer Souza. Jennifer will encourage you to ask questions and think about many things in

Curiosity and Surrender: Classical Education, Poetry, and a Longing for Light (with Jennifer Souza) Read More »

Clap for Classics! Online Music Class Joy Music Appreciation young children preschool toddler baby kindergarten classical music

Clap for Classics! online music classes introducing the joy of classical music to children ages 0-5

Clap for Classics! offers delightful, affordable online music classes for your baby, toddler, preschooler, and kindergartner. If you have wanted to introduce your young children to classical music, but you aren’t quite sure where to begin, Clap for Classics! offers you an opportunity to make musical memories with your children in your own home regardless

Clap for Classics! online music classes introducing the joy of classical music to children ages 0-5 Read More »