Homeschooling High School Confidence, Competence, and Contentment Ann Karako Interview

Homeschooling High School with Confidence, Competence, and Contentment (a video interview with Ann Karako)

Ann Karako brings such an encouraging perspective to this conversation about homeschooling high school. Our discussions ranged from topics like parenting teens, to transcripts, to setting realistic expectations. I came away from this conversation reinvigorated and inspired. Ann convinces me every time I hear her that, really, it’s not that hard to homeschool high school.

Homeschooling High School with Confidence, Competence, and Contentment (a video interview with Ann Karako) Read More »

Unit Study Homeschool Susan Evans interview

Unit Studies and Hands-On Learning (a video interview with Susan Evans)

Enthusiasm, creativity, unit studies, and hands-on learning: those are the words that come to mind when I think of longtime homeschool mom Susan Evans. Watch the video and leave inspired to try your own creative ideas in your homeschool! Be sure to check out the other interviews in our Homeschool Conversations series! Watch the video,

Unit Studies and Hands-On Learning (a video interview with Susan Evans) Read More »

Liberal Arts, Great Books, and Classical Christian Education Wes Callihan

The Liberal Arts, Great Books, and Classical Christian Education (a video interview with Wes Callihan)

Back in the early days of online homeschool learning, I had the privilege of taking several liberal arts courses from Wes Callihan. Did your high school teachers recite the opening lines of the Iliad to you? From memory? In Greek? I bet not. No wonder his students love and respect Mr. C! When I began

The Liberal Arts, Great Books, and Classical Christian Education (a video interview with Wes Callihan) Read More »

Homeschooling with Special Needs and Learning Differences (a video interview with Shawna Wingert)

Homeschooling a child with special needs or learning differences presents a unique set of challenges. My friend Shawna Wingert brings personal experience and professional expertise to this conversation. Whether you’re looking for personal encouragement and practical tips for homeschooling your own unique learner, or whether you want to grow in love and understanding for your

Homeschooling with Special Needs and Learning Differences (a video interview with Shawna Wingert) Read More »

Missy Andrews Center for Lit My Divine Comedy interview

Identity, Grace, and a Literary Life (video interview with Missy Andrews from Center for Lit)

I’ve often wished I could have Missy Andrews from Center for Lit over for coffee and a chat in my living room. The realities of geography, alas, preclude that. But this conversation is the next best thing. If you’ve struggled with your identity as a homeschool mom, if you’ve wondered how to incorporate literary analysis

Identity, Grace, and a Literary Life (video interview with Missy Andrews from Center for Lit) Read More »

homeschool worth mythology

World Mythology in Your Homeschool: Why Should We Study Myths and What are the Best Mythology Books to Read?

WHY should we study world mythology in our homeschool? WHAT are the best books to read about myths from around the world? Check out this round-up of the best mythology books for studying not only the more well-known Greek myths but also mythological tales from around the world. You’ll find mythology book suggestions for kids,

World Mythology in Your Homeschool: Why Should We Study Myths and What are the Best Mythology Books to Read? Read More »