
Sonlight Science D homeschool curriculum discover and do

What’s Working in Our Homeschool Right Now: Sonlight Science D

Homeschooling provides constant opportunities to pivot in the midst of changing family seasons, shifting interests, and varying ages. This has been brought home to me in a unique way this homeschool year in the midst of my youngest son’s medical crisis. Homeschooling in the midst of this challenging season has required flexibility on the part

What’s Working in Our Homeschool Right Now: Sonlight Science D Read More »

homeschooling nature study Christian homeschool conversations podcast

Nature Study in the Christian Homeschool

Nature Study is about more than merely observing God’s creation and learning about the natural world. Nature study in the Christian homeschool is rooted in natural theology. Homeschool nature study has become hugely popular in the homeschooling world especially in the Charlotte Mason, Wild and Free, Classical education, and other homeschool communities that prioritize wonder,

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Natural Philosophy: Recovering a Natural Science and Christian Pedagogy (with Ravi Jain)

When one of the authors of your favorite book on Christian Classical education agrees to come on the podcast, it just might be the most exciting moment of the year! Ravi Jain joins us this week to discuss a distinctively Christian classical perspective on natural philosophy and how it relates to the liberal arts. It’s

Natural Philosophy: Recovering a Natural Science and Christian Pedagogy (with Ravi Jain) Read More »

Sonlight Homeschool Science C Discover and Do

Sonlight Science C: Forces and Interactions, Life Systems and Cycles, Weather & Climate, and Engineering Design for grades 3-5 in your homeschool

Do your kids love asking questions, hands-on activities, beautiful picture books, and learning more about God’s creation? Sonlight Science C combines scientific exploration with literature-based learning for an easy-to-use, delightfully fun homeschool science curriculum for your elementary learners. This post contains affiliate links. I received a product for free, and was compensated for my time.

Sonlight Science C: Forces and Interactions, Life Systems and Cycles, Weather & Climate, and Engineering Design for grades 3-5 in your homeschool Read More »

Beauty in our homeschools handbook of nature study outdoor hour challenge fine arts shirley vels tricia hodges homeschool conversations podcast interview

Beauty in our Homeschools: Handbook of Nature Study, Outdoor Hour Challenge, and Fine Arts (with Shirley Vels and Tricia Hodges)

As homeschool moms we can often get into a “get it done and check the boxes” mode. We have so many responsibilities and pulls on our time, and it’s way to easy to give up on beauty in our homeschools. Prioritizing all those extra beautiful things just feels too overwhelming. But is it important and

Beauty in our Homeschools: Handbook of Nature Study, Outdoor Hour Challenge, and Fine Arts (with Shirley Vels and Tricia Hodges) Read More »

Apologia Exploring Creation Earth Science homeschool curriculum

Exploring Creation with Apologia Earth Science

Want an easy-to-use science curriculum that inspires wonder and curiosity in your elementary age students? Apologia’s Young Explorer Series may be just what you’re looking for! Longtime blog readers know that our family prefers to go textbook-free whenever possible, particularly when studying history and science in the younger grades. So would it surprise you to

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sonlight science k curriculum review

Sonlight Science: Discover and Do With a Literature-Based Homeschool Science Curriculum

The youngest child in a homeschool family often just tags along for the ride. When the older siblings are studying science, sometimes the younger ones merely observe. While this often works out fine, sometimes I see a glimmer in my little guy’s eye. He would like to be the one discovering and experimenting and exploring

Sonlight Science: Discover and Do With a Literature-Based Homeschool Science Curriculum Read More »

homeschool astronomy outer space science unit study resource list books STEAM

Textbook-Free Science: all the resources you’ll need to learn about OUTER SPACE in your homeschool!

I love outer space and all things astronomy. I have ever since I was a young girl dreaming of being the first woman to have a baby in space. (Um, that would be a big NO from me nowadays!) My 9th birthday featured a viewing of my favorite film (“The Dream is Alive“) and astronaut

Textbook-Free Science: all the resources you’ll need to learn about OUTER SPACE in your homeschool! Read More »