Homeschool Day in the Life 2023 (with a 17, 15, 12, 10, and 7-year-old)

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I’ve been recording a random, ordinary Day in the Life of our homeschool since 2018, can you believe it? Here is a little peek into a regular (boring?) Wednesday in our homeschool in 2023, with kids in grades 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, and 12th.

And be sure to read to the end where I link to my past Homeschool Day in the Life posts. It’s pretty fun to see how things have (or haven’t) changed over the years! You can also check out the highlight on my Instagram profile, where I saved even more random photos, videos, and moments from our day!

Homeschool Day in the Life 2023 with 17, 15, 12, 10, and 7-year-old

5:30 am I realllllly Don’t Wanna this morning when my alarm goes off. For some reason I’m way more tired this morning than I have been the past couple weeks. But I know the days run more smoothly when I get up and get some work done early. Plus, I already told the Instagram that I’d be notating our Day in the Life today, so I really can’t be lazy today of all days! lol

Coffee first, obviously. Housekeeping emails and odds-and-ends while the coffee steeps in the French Press, my daily Wordle puzzle (I got it in 2 today which kinda blew my mind), and Bible time. I’m a bit behind on Bible study for the women’s study at my church and our next meeting is Saturday, so I’m working hard to catch up!

6:30 am Emma (my 15-year-old) comes downstairs and we head out for a jog. I use a free tabata timer app on my phone to keep us on a 30:30 walk:run pace. This morning we listen to the Les Mis Broadway soundtrack while we run laps around the neighborhood drainage spot, er, I mean pond.

We get home and I do my 15 minute Mommastrong workout (it’s a good-enough workout that keeps me from getting bored and also supports my pelvic floor health).

We say goodbye to Joshua, who is heading out the door for a dual-enrollment class. 8am seems early for Differential Equations, but such is life! He’ll drive 20 minutes one way for Differential Equations then drive 20 minutes another way to a different campus for Public Speaking before coming home.

Then it’s time to shower, eat breakfast, and get ready for the day!

8:00 am Everyone is ready for Morning Time! We kick off Morning Time with WorldWatch News then progress through our daily routine. (You can click here to see our January Morning Time and memory work plans and download the free pdf.)

8:50 am Isaac’s school comes first! As much as I can, I prioritize getting to 2nd grade first thing. Once my 7 year old gets in the groove of creativity with cardboard boxes, building with Lego, and listening to his audiobooks it is nigh impossible to get him back to the “official” educational part of our day! He has a super good attitude today, which means we can get to reading practice, First Language Lessons, Spelling, and math before I have to take Emma to French class! Woohoo!

9:40 am Emma and I head out the door to pick up her fellow student and head to French 2, taught by a local homeschool mom friend. Grace and Sophia continue their independent work and Isaac will practice his piano and do his Italic page while I’m gone…hopefully.

After I drop the girls off I head back home, stopping at Target on the way to make a return.

10:30 am Helping with Algebra, discussing books, and other random housekeeping odds and ends are next on the agenda! For the most part, though, things seem to be going along pretty effortlessly…

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Some days I’m more hands-on involved with tutoring and assisting. Other days seem to go more smoothly.

Or maybe I’m just so tired today that I’m in a daze and the kids are taking advantage of it…that is always a possibility…

11:45 am Lunch is gathered independently by each person. I head upstairs to work on a curriculum review blog post while the kids eat lunch and watch a show. I head downstairs to greet the returning teens when they arrive home.

1:00 pm Sophia has a Zoom meeting with her Granddaddy who lives out of state. He’s been teaching her about stocks and investing this year, just like he did with her older siblings in the past!

2:00 pm Isaac and I read a few chapters from Little Pilgrim’s Progress while Grace works on her reading journal entry.

3:00 pm Sophia and Isaac head out. Sophia works as a mother’s helper (cleaning, childcare, etc) and the family she works for has boys Isaac’s age, so it doubles as a playdate each week for him. So awesome!

Time for me to clean, work on some dinner prep, and even get a little time to read! Oh, plus work on this Day in the Life blog post, of course.

5:45 pm Time for dinner. Multiple morose offspring for no apparent reason. Such is life.

We do family devotions anyway. Learn more about our family worship routine here.

6:45 pm I head to this month’s women’s small group meeting where we are discussing The Lord Our Shepherd by J. Douglas MacMillan. Our church is small and very spread out geographically, but the families who live in my side of the county have begun meeting more regularly together for fellowship. One month the women meet, one month the men meet, and one month families have lunch together after church. It’s been lovely!

Home around 9 pm, hug my people, read a bit more, then time for sleep!

Want to see more pictures and a few videos from today? Check out the DITL 2023 highlight on my Instagram profile page.

Curious how this year compares to past experiences?

What does YOUR Homeschool Day in the Life look like? I’d love to know in the comments below!

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5 thoughts on “Homeschool Day in the Life 2023 (with a 17, 15, 12, 10, and 7-year-old)”

  1. This sounds like a good day! My boys are much younger, my eldest is only 7, so it’s always insightful to see what a day is like with older children.

  2. Sounds like a terrific day (ok-minus the waking up at 530!). I do miss those read-alouds and working with the littles. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Some seasons the 5:30 am doesn’t work out so well. 😉 I try to go with the flow of my energy and the needs of the family at any given time. 🙂

  3. I wake up around 5 each morning to get a head-start on my day! I have seven kids, but only five are still homeschooling. I have one that is in college and one heading to college this fall! I enjoyed reading this.

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