Homeschool Conversations: Interviews with Real-Life Homeschool Moms, Dads, and Other Educators

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Come chat with us! Join me in a series of Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology: interviews with real-life homeschool moms, dads, and other educators on all sorts of topics that affect our lives as homeschool parents. Listen on your favorite podcast player, or check out the videos on Facebook and YouTube.

Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology homeschooling podcast encouragement mom parenting help

Homeschooling is an excellent choice for many families, but one that can feel overwhelming, and even isolating at times. 

In Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology, we talk with real life homeschooling parents about it all: educational philosophy, family life, homeschool challenges, learning successes, and so much more. We bring the homeschool community to you, so you never have to feel alone in your homeschooling journey.

Host Amy Sloan is a 2nd-generation homeschool mom of 5. She brings a unique perspective, having been homeschooled herself and now homeschooling her own children. Informative, encouraging, and fun – this is a podcast sure to encourage every homeschooling parent!

Have a topic you’d like to hear discussed? Let me know in the comments below. Be sure to join my email list below so you don’t miss a single new episode!

Prefer to listen to your content in your earbuds? Subscribe to the Homeschool Conversations podcast!

Thank you to podcast sponsor Berean Builders.

Be sure to follow Humility and Doxology on Facebook and Instagram!

Check out all the previous Homeschool Conversations Video and Podcast Interviews

Watch the videos, read the show notes, and share with your friends! Each Homeschool Conversation includes extensive show notes or a complete transcript in the blog post so that you can follow along even if video or podcast form is not a good fit for your schedule.

All the opinions of the guests on Homeschool Conversations do not necessarily reflect those of Humility and Doxology or host Amy Sloan. Please listen to this podcast, as to all things, with discernment.

Homeschool Conversations: Season 1

Wisdom, Truth, and Cultural Discernment with Dr. Carl Trueman
Wisdom, Truth, and Cultural Discernment with Dr. Carl Trueman (Season 11, Ep 2)
Homeschool Conversations practical tip for homeschooling kids with medical needs
Practical Tips for Homeschooling Kids with Medical Needs with Katie Waalkes (Season 11, Ep 3)
Homeschool Conversations Erin Cox Finding Peace in the Chaos of Homeschooling
Finding Peace in the Chaos of Homeschooling with Erin Cox (Season 11, Ep 4)

Homeschool Conversations: Season 10

homeschool conversations with humility and doxology podcast listener q & a season 10
Listener Q&A: Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology Season 10
Homeschool Conversations podcast nurturing love for literature shakespeare beowulf beyond anna knaub nurtured bee
Nurturing a Love for Literature: Beowulf, Shakespeare, and Beyond with Anna Knaub (Season 10, Ep 2)
Charlotte Mason living education for little learners Katie Klein
Charlotte Mason Living Education for Little Learners with Katie Klein (Season 10, Ep 3)
Homeschool Science for Every Student Dr. Jay Wile Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology podcast
Homeschool Science for Every Student with Dr. Jay Wile (Season 10, Ep 4)
Homeschool Conversations podcast Classical Education, Homeschooling, and the CLT exam
Classical Education, Homeschooling, and the CLT with Regina Gravrok (Season 10, Ep 5)
Homeschool Conversations podcast homeschooling middle school cindy west
Homeschooling Middle School: Connection, Independence, and Possibility with Cindy West (Season 10, Ep 6)
Homeschool Conversations podcast Health and Wellness for Busy Homeschoolers Julie C Mama to 5
Health and Wellness for Busy Homeschoolers with Julie from Mama to Five (Season 10, Ep 7)
The Powerful Joy of Slow Home Education Leslie Martino Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology
The Powerful Joy of Slow Home Education with Leslie Martino (Season 10, Ep 8)
Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology Durenda Wilson Simplifying Homeschooling for Peaceful Days
Simplifying Homeschooling for Peaceful Days with Durenda Wilson (Season 10, Ep 9)
Homeschool Conversations Essential Tips for Homeschooling High Schoolers pam Barnhill
Essential Tips for Homeschooling High Schoolers with Pam Barnhill (Season 10, Ep 10)
Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology Carrie De Francisco launching big kids From Homeschool Mom to Mentor Encouragement from a Veteran Homeschooler
From Homeschool Mom to Mentor: Encouragement from a Veteran Homeschooler with Carrie De Francisco (Season 10, Ep 11)
Homeschool Conversations podcast pin Joy of Writing Millie Florence Beyond Mulberry Glen
The Joy of Writing: Millie Florence and Beyond Mulberry Glen with Millie Florence (Season 10, Ep 12)

Homeschool Conversations: Summer Guest Series 2024

BONUS: SHAKESPEARE in a YEAR: What Emma and I learned
Exploring the Life and Legacy of G K Chesterton Holly Geiger Lee Homeschool Conversations podcast
BONUS: Exploring the Life and Legacy of G. K. Chesterton with Holly Lee

Homeschool Conversations: Season 9

Listener Q&A with Amy, Emma, Sophia, and Grace (Season 9, Ep 1)
A Beautiful Education for Any Child: Classically Educating with Special Needs with Cheryl Swope (Season 9, Ep 2)
Rooted in Wonder: Nurturing Your Family’s Faith Through God’s Creation with Eryn Lynum (Season 9, Ep 3)
Homeschooling preschool tips and insights Laura McKinney Adams homeschool conversations
Homeschooling Preschool: Tips and Insights with Laura McKinney Adams (Season 9, Ep 4)
homeschooling high school jennifer cabrera hifalutin homeschooler homeschool conversations
Homeschooling High School with Hifalutin Homeschooler Jennifer Cabrera (Season 9, Ep 5)
spiritual formation for the homeschooling mom homeschool conversations charlotte mason
Spiritual Formation for the Homeschool Mom with Lisa Hajda (Season 9, Ep 6)
little learners special needs habit training Charlotte Mason Inspired Little Learners, Learning Challenges, and the Cultivation of Habits homeschooling motherhood leah martin homeschool conversations
Charlotte Mason Inspired: Little Learners, Learning Challenges, and the Cultivation of Habits with Leah Martin (Season 9, Ep 7)
intentional homeschooling family rhythm kristen pearls and oak homeschool conversations
Intentional Homeschooling: Finding Your Family’s Rhythm with Kristen from Pearls and Oak (Season 9, Episode 8)
Homeschool Conversations podcast finding freedom and flexibility in your homeschool plan leigh nguyen
Finding Freedom and Flexibility in Your Homeschool Plan with Leigh Nguyen (Season 9, Episode 9)
Homeschool Conversations podcast pin Nurturing Rhythms and Rest in the Homeschool Journey Lynsey Mimnagh Treehouse Schoolhouse
Nurturing Rhythms and Rest in the Homeschool Journey with Lyndsey Mimnagh (Season 9, Episode 10)

Homeschool Conversations: Season 8

Homeschool Conversations podcast season 8 listener Q&A
Listener Q&A: Homeschool Conversations is BACK with podcast Season 8
Anne of Green Gables Katie Stewart Owl's Nest Publishers Homeschool Conversations
Scope for the Imagination: Anne of Green Gables revisited with Katie Stewart (BONUS)
rooted in rest abby stone homeschool conversations podcast
Rooted in Rest: Charlotte Mason, Community, & Family Life with Abby Stone (Season 8, Ep 2)
The Nourished Mom relinquishing control, finding joy in routines, and prioritizing relationships with Brandy Coffin
The Nourished Mom: relinquishing control, finding joy in routines, and prioritizing relationships with Brandy Coffin (Season 8, Ep 3)
Homeschool Conversations podcast Christy Faith Ditch the System, Reclaim Childhood, and Flourish in Your Homeschool
Ditch the System, Reclaim Childhood, and Flourish in Your Homeschool with Christy-Faith (Season 8, Ep 4)
reading for the love of God Jessica Hooten Wilson homeschool conversations podcast
Reading for the Love of God with Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson (BONUS)
A Family Devoted: Homeschooling with the Bible at the Center with Kimberly Steenbergen (Season 8, Ep 5)
Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling Amy Fischer Homeschool Conversations podcast
Getting Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling with Amy Fischer (Season 8, Ep 6)
delightful homeschool art history courtney sanford delightfulartco homeschool conversations podcast
Delightful Homeschool Art History with Courtney Sanford (Season 8, Ep 7)
Called to Homeschool with Yvette Hampton (Season 8, Ep 8)
Homeschool Conversations podcast Picture Books, Read Alouds, & the Power of Shared Stories sarah mackenzie
BONUS: Picture Books, Read Alouds, & the Power of Shared Stories with Sarah Mackenzie

Homeschool Conversations: Season 7

Listener Q&A: We’re BACK with Season 7 of Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology (guest co-host Emma Sloan)
homeschool conversations podcast memory work poetry memorization andrew pudewa IEW
Knowing by Heart: the Powerful Beauty of Memory Work with Andrew Pudewa (Season 7, Ep 2)
cultural discernment Christian parents homeschool conversations podcast Kelsey Reed Concurrently God's WORLD News coach
BONUS: Equipping our Children for Cultural Engagement (with Kelsey Reed)
classical conversations CC homeschooling homeschool conversations podcast Charity Miner
Classical Conversations and Couch Schooling with Charity Miner (Season 7, Episode 3)
stories and sanctified imaginations homeschool conversations podcast Sam S.D. Smith
Stories and Sanctified Imaginations with S. D. Smith (Season 7, Ep 4)
homeschooling working mom WAHM life unboxed Jodie Perry Homeschool conversations podcast
Run a Business, Homeschool the Kids, and Keep your Sanity with Jodie Perry (Season 7, Ep 5)
ravi Jain natural philosophy christian classical pedagogy homeschool conversations podcast liberal arts tradition
Natural Philosophy: Recovering a Natural Science and Christian Pedagogy with Ravi Jain (Season 7, Ep 6)
Homeschooling without the overwhelm Tiffany Jefferson Homeschool Conversations podcast
Homeschooling Without the Overwhelm with Tiffany Jefferson (Season 7, Ep 7)
homeschooling bravely jamie erickson homeschool conversations podcast
Homeschooling Bravely with Jamie Erickson (Season 7,Ep 8)
Kristi Stephens homeschooling priorities homeschool conversations podcast discipleship identity

Discipleship, Identity, and Homeschool Priorities with Kristi Stephens (Season 7, Ep 9)
100th podcast episode Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology
Homeschool Conversations 100th Episode + GIVEAWAY
Homesteading homeschooling homeschool conversations podcast elsie iudicello wild and free charlotte mason classical education
Homesteading and Homeschooling with Elsie Iudicello (Season 7, Ep 11)
Made for This homeschool conversations podcast with special guests from the Made2Homeschool Contributor Team
Made for This: with special guests from the Made2Homeschool Contributor Team (BONUS)
Write the Word on My Heart Katherine Pittman Homeschool Conversations podcast Bible memory Scripture
Write the Word on My Heart with Katherine Pittman (Season 7, Ep 12)
Plan Prep Pray Wendy Alcime Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology podcast
Plan, Prep, Pray with Wendy Alcime (Season 7, Ep 13)

Advent Audioblog Miniseries 2022

Homeschool Conversations: Season 6

Homeschool Conversations podcast Season 6 episode 1 Listener Q&A
Listener Q&A (Season 6, Ep 1)
Story Literature Books Jim Weiss Homeschool Family Podcast interview
The Joyful Power of Storytelling for the Homeschool Family with Jim Weiss (Season 6 BONUS)
Keys to a Successful Homeschool Year Amber Smith Homeschool Conversations podcast interview
Keys to a Successful Homeschool Year with Amber Smith (Season 6, Ep 2)
Strategies for Teaching Homeschool Writing Janie B. Cheaney
Strategies for Teaching Homeschool Writing with Janie B. Cheaney (Season 6 BONUS)
Homeschool Conversations Podcast interviews Homeschooling with Confidence in Times of Crisis with Vicki Bentley
Homeschooling with Confidence in Times of Crisis with Vicki Bentley (Season 6, Ep 3)
Charlotte Mason the teacher who revealed worlds of wonder picture book lanaya gore and twila farmer
Charlotte Mason: The Teacher Who Revealed Worlds of Wonder with Lanaya Gore and Twila Farmer (Season 6 BONUS)
homeschooling english writing reading making connections high school Betsy Farquhar head shot homeschool conversations
Reading, Writing, and Making Connections: Homeschooling High School English with Betsy Farquhar (Season 6, Episode 4)
JoAnn Hallum Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Imagination & Baby Steps in Charlotte Mason Homeschooling with JoAnn Hallum (Season 6 BONUS)
Dawn Duran Plutarch for the Charlotte Mason Homeschool Family podcast
Plutarch for the Homeschool Family with Dawn Duran (Season 6, Ep 5)
Homeschool Conversations podcast interview Kia Roy Exuberant Joyful Homeschooling
Exuberant, Joyful Homeschooling with Kia Roy (Season 6, Ep 6)
Christmas Music Around the World Mary Prather Homeschool Conversations podcast
Christmas Music Around the World with Mary Prather (Season 6 BONUS)
Homeschool Conversations podcast Reading with Friends Hosting a Book Club In Real Life with Karoline Strickland
Reading with Friends: Hosting a Book Club In Real Life with Karoline Strickland (Season 7, Ep 7)

Homeschool Conversations: Summer Audioblog Series

summer guest audioblog series homeschool conversations with humility and doxology podcast
BONUS: Reading, Relationships, and Restfully Homeschooling (with Sarah Mackenzie)
pelvic health prolapse diastasis recti pelvic floor dysfunction PT
BONUS: Pelvic Health: pelvic prolapse, diastasis recti, and other common pelvic floor challenges (with Dr. Meghan O’Hara)

Homeschool Conversations: Season 5

homeschool conversations with humility and doxology podcast season 5 episode 1
Ask Me Anything: Listener Q&A with special guest co-host (Season 5 Ep 1)
Living Well Learning Well Alicia Hutchinson Homeschool Conversations Podcast
Living Well and Learning Well with Alicia Hutchinson (Season 5, Ep 2)
common arts classical education homeschool chris hall interview
A Common Arts Education in Our Classical Homeschool with Chris Hall (Season 5, Ep 3)
Musical Education for Young Children Elizabeth Nixon Clap for Classics Homeschool Conversations podcast interview
Musical Education for Young Children with Elizabeth Nixon (BONUS episode)
Min Hwang Life Giving Motherhood Charlotte Mason homeschool conversations podcast interview
Life Giving Motherhood with Min Hwang (Season 5, Ep 4)
megan andrews center for lit hop skip and a rhyme literary devices how to teach literature how to teach poetry to kids
Hop, Skip, and a Rhyme: Listening Well and Delighting in the Beauty of Words with Megan Andrews (Season 5, Ep 5)
Mariel Howsepian Public School Home Education homeschool conversations charlotte mason
School vs. Education with Mariel Howsepian (Season 5, Ep 6)
Beauty in our homeschools handbook of nature study outdoor hour challenge fine arts shirley vels tricia hodges homeschool conversations podcast interview
Beauty in our Homeschools: Handbook of Nature Study, Outdoor Hour Challenge, and Fine Arts with Shirley Vels and Tricia Hodges (BONUS Episode)
Modern Miss Mason Leah Boden Homeschool Conversations podcast interview
Modern Miss Mason with Leah Boden (Season 5, Ep 7)
Heather Tully Pam Barnhill Gather Book Homeschool Conversations Morning Basket Morning Time Gathering
A Time to Gather with Pam Barnhill and Heather Tully (BONUS episode)
Simonetta Carr Homeschool Conversations Church History Biographies Books for Children
Church History for Children with Simonetta Carr (Season 5, Ep 8)
a place to belong book heritage mom amber o'neal johnston homeschool conversations podcast
BONUS: A Place to Belong (with Amber O’Neal Johnston)
LeAnn Gregory Gap Year Guide Homeschooling High School Teens Homeschool Conversations podcast
What about a Gap Year? with LeAnn Gregory (Season 5, Ep 9)
Stephanie Sims homeschool conversations homeschooling babies toddlers encouragement
Homeschooling with Babies and Toddlers with Stephanie Sims (Season 5, Ep 10)
Stories Truth Reading Life Megan Saben Redeemed Reader Homeschool Conversations podcast
Stories, Truth, and the Reading Life with Megan Saben (Season 5, Ep 11)

Homeschool Conversations: Season 4

Masterpiece Makers Fine ARt for homeschool families alisha and olivia gratehouse Homeschool Conversations Humility and Doxology interview
Masterpiece Makers: Fine Art for Homeschool Families with Alisha and Olivia Gratehouse (Season 4, Ep 1)
Neil Edmond MoneyTime Financial Literacy Online Homeschool Course for Kids Homeschool Conversations interview
BONUS: MoneyTime: Financial Literacy for Kids Made Easy (with Neil Edmond)
Carrie Brownell A Fine Quotation Homeschool Conversations podcast interview creativity imagination vulnerability
Homeschooling with Creativity, Imagination, and Vulnerability with Carrie Brownell (Season 4, Ep 2)
Homeschooling for College Credit Jennifer Cook-DeRosa Homeschool Conversations podcast interview homeschooling teen high school dual enrollment CLEP AP
Homeschooling for College Credit with Jennifer Cook-DeRosa (Season 4, Ep 3)
100 Days of Dante #100daysofdante Divine Comedy introduction Dante for beginners Wes Callihan Kristen Rudd
BONUS: Introduction to Dante with Kristen Rudd and Wes Callihan
Resisting Homeschool Stererotypes Gina Munsey Homeschool Conversations podcast interview 2nd-generation 3rd culture asynchronous learners
Resisting the Homeschool Stereotypes with Gina Munsey (Season 4, Ep 4)
BONUS: Hope for Future Homeschool Generations (Homeschool Generations: Part 4)
Finding God's Good Gifts Motherhood Laura Booz homeschool conversations podcast
Finding God’s Good Gifts in Motherhood with Laura Booz (Season 4, Ep 5)
Dachelle McVey Homeschool Conversations podcast interview fun and freedom homeschooling
Finding Freedom and Fun in Homeschooling with Dachelle McVey (Season 4, Ep 6)
Paideia Repentance Joyful Domesticity as 2nd Generation homeschooler Melissa Cummings Homeschool Conversations
Paideia, Repentance, and Joyful Domesticity as a 2nd-Generation Homeschooler with Melissa Cummings (Season 4, Ep 7)
Multilingual, Multicultural, Multigenerational Homeschooling (with Rachel from "Seven in All")
Multilingual, Multicultural, Multigenerational Homeschooling with Rachel from “Seven in All” (Season 4, Ep 8)
convivial homeschool mystie winckler homeschool conversations
BONUS Episode: Convivial Homeschool – Gospel Encouragement for Living and Learning Alongside Your Kids with Mystie Winckler
A Humble Place: Charlotte Mason, Picture Study, and Restful Homeschooling (with Rebecca Zipp)
A Humble Place: Charlotte Mason, Picture Study, and Restful Homeschooling with Rebecca Zipp (Season 4, Ep 9)
homeschool conversations podcast Music appreciation music in our homeschool gena mayo homeschooling music appreciation
Music in Our Homeschool with Gena Mayo (Season 4, Ep 10)
Freedom Flexibility homeschooling Emily Copeland Table Life Blog Homeschool Conversations Podcast
Freedom and Flexibility in Our Homeschools with Emily Copeland (Season 4, Ep 11)

Homeschool Conversations: Season 3

Raising Lifelong Learners: the joys and challenges of homeschooling differently-wired, gifted, and 2E kids with Colleen Kessler (Season 3, Ep 1)
News, Current Events, and Biblically-Objective Journalism with Nick Eicher and Brian Basham from WORLD (Season 3, Ep 2)
Reading and Teaching the Great Books with Kristen Rudd (Season 3, Ep 3)
second generation homeschooling joyfully homeschooling amy sloan misty bailey
Second Generation Homeschooler and Joyfully Homeschooling (Misty Bailey interviews Amy Sloan) BONUS episode
Tawnya Vinyard Happy Planned Homeschool Podcast interview
Happy Planned Homeschooling with Tawnya Vinyard (Season 3, Ep 4)
high school homeschool science Kristin Moon Homeschool Conversations podcast
High School Science at Home with Kristin Moon (Season 3, Ep 5)
Keren Chu, raising covenant children, classical education, Christian homeschooling
Raising Covenant Children with Keren Chu (Season 3, Ep 6)
Jessica Jensen homeschool encouragement
Tweens, Teens, and other Homeschooling Joys and Challenges with Jessica Jensen (Season 3, Ep 7)
Life in the Mundane, Katie Waalkes, homeschool encouragement and tips, homeschool conversations podcast interview
Life in the Mundane with Katie Waalkes (Season 3, Ep 8)
Amber Johnston Heritage Mom Homeschool Conversations Podcast Story Formed Wonder Filled Homeschooling
Story-Formed, Wonder-Filled Homeschooling with Amber O’Neal Johnston (Season 3, Ep 9)
Mr. D Math Dennis DiNoia Homeschool High School online math courses
Homeschool High School Math Online with Dennis DiNoia from Mr. D Math (Season 3, Ep 10)
Homeschool Compass Homeschool Conversations podcast Aimee Otto
Finding Our Unique Homeschool Path with Aimee Otto (Season 3, Ep 11)
Jennifer Dow classical education poetry
Curiosity and Surrender: Classical Education, Poetry, and a Longing for Light with Jennifer Dow (Season 3, Ep 12)
Jennifer Pepito Peacefully Homeschooling podcast interview Peaceful Press
Peacefully Homeschooling with Jennifer Pepito (Season 3, Ep 13)
BONUS episode: Homeschool Generations Part 1 (with The Curriculum Choice)
Analogies for All of Us Marc Hays Classical Conversations Homeschool Conversations podcast
Analogies for All of Us: Thoughts on Classical Conversations and Communicating Well with Marc Hays (Season 3, Ep 14)
Kelly Cumbee Homeschool Conversations Podcast homeschooling encouragement Medieval Renaissance Literature
Order, Harmony, and the Medieval Imagination with Kelly Cumbee (Season 3, Ep 15)
Homeschooling with Dyslexia Homeschool Conversations podcast interview learning differences Marianne Sunderland
Homeschooling with Dyslexia with Marianne Sunderland (Season 3, Ep 16)
Jami Marstall Charlotte Mason Classical Education Homeschool
Conversations, Relationships, and a Charlotte-Mason Education During High School with Jami Marstall (Season 3, Ep. 17)
Foreign Language Learning at Home Anne Guarnera Homeschool Conversations Podcast interview
Language Learning at Home with Anne Guarnera (Season 3, Ep 18)
child protection body image Justin Lindsey Holcomb God Made All of Me in His Image Homeschool Conversations podcast interview
God Made All of Me with Justin and Lindsey Holcomb (Season 3, Ep 19)
Latin in our Homeschool Charlotte Mason Angela Reed Homeschool Conversations classical education living lessons
Latin in Our Homeschool with Angela Reed (Season 3, Ep 20)
Adrienne Freas Homeschool Conversations Podcast interview classical charlotte mason homeschooling
Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschooling with Adrienne Freas (Season 3, Ep 21)
BONUS episode: Homeschool Generations Part 2 (with The Curriculum Choice)
BONUS episode: Taming the Transcript with Ann Karako
WonderFull: Ancient Psalms Ever New (interview with Marty Machowski) Psalms for children family devotions
BONUS episode: WonderFull: Ancient Psalms Ever New with Marty Machowski
BONUS episode: Homeschool Generations Part 3 (with The Curriculum Choice)
Catch this bonus episode: Banish the Homeschool Blahs

Homeschool Conversations: Season 2

Homeschool Conversations: Season 1

Homeschool Conversations Video Interviews

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