Everything You Need To Homeschool Preschool: A Parent’s Guide

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You have a young child at home and you’re wondering how to make the best education decisions for your family. Let’s explore the reasons why families opt for homeschooling preschool, the concerns you might have, the benefits of homeschooling preschoolers, and how to find the encouragement needed to embark on this incredible journey. Homeschooling during the preschool years (and beyond) is a wonderful option for many families! Here is everything you need to know to get started.

Everything You Need To Homeschool Preschool A Parent’s Guide

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Making The Decision To Homeschool Your Preschooler

If you’ve found your way here, you’re probably pondering the idea of homeschooling your preschooler. It’s a decision that’s both exciting and full of uncertainties.

It’s also completely natural to feel some self-doubt as we embark on this journey. Will we be enough for our children’s education? Can we provide the right social interactions? What about calculus? (Just kidding! But you’d be surprised how many toddler moms I talk to who start worrying about high school transcripts before they’ve even dealt with the alphabet. Take a deep breath, Mama. Peaceful, successful homeschooling comes one step at a time. You don’t have to know all the details when you get started.)

homeschool preschool

Remember, you’re not alone! So many other mamas have been right where you are and have experienced the joys and challenges of homeschooling their preschooler. Reach out to homeschooling communities, both online and offline, for support and guidance as you navigate these early education years.

Not only am I a homeschool graduate myself, but I have successfully educated 5 children at home for preschool. One of those children has already graduated from our homeschool and is pursuing higher education. You can do this, too, I promise!

The Benefits Of Homeschooling In The Preschool Years

Flexible Schedule

Traditional preschool locks you into someone else’s schedule. Start times, stop times, vacation days… they are all planned. Sometimes by the time you return home from preschool drop-off, it’s almost time to turn around and pick your child up again! With all that running around in the carpool line, it doesn’t always provide the free time you expected.

When we homeschool preschool, however, we can be flexible around our whole family’s needs: baby’s nap and nursing, older children’s activities, work responsibilities, and family adventures.

Personalized curriculum

No one knows and loves your young child the way you do. Homeschooling preschool allows us to go as fast or as slow as our unique child needs. We can also include their favorite interests in our homeschooling lessons. And if you have a very active child, you can include plenty of movement breaks and kinesthetic learning activities in their education. Simple neighborhood scavenger hunts are another easy way to combine learning, movement, and outdoor exploration.

homeschool preschool curriculum guide

Safe, loving learning environment

So many children experience stress from intense, difficult learning situations outside the home. At home, we’re able to stop everything and give a child a hug and pray with them when they’re sad or tired. A child that feels safe and loved is freed up to learn more easily. Plus, there’s something about these finger painting ideas that make learning just a little bit more fun!

Educating the heart, not just the head

Homeschooling preschool extends beyond literacy activities and academics. Nurture a strong spiritual foundation by praying with and for your children daily, sharing the stories of the Bible, memorizing Scripture through Bible songs and recitations, and pointing them towards Jesus in all the little moments that arise.

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We can also find may ways to encourage character growth as we teach preschool at home. Ideas like self-control, submission, and respecting boundaries arise naturally in home life with young ones. By teaching these concepts at home, we empower our children to navigate the complexities of the world, providing a safe space for them to practice restraint and growth. And as they engage in family chores, they learn the joy of working together and serving, fostering a sense of responsibility and cooperation.

Family connection

Homeschooling preschool strengthens family connection by nurturing parent-child and sibling bonds. This approach encourages the growth of empathy and emotional intelligence as children relate to their family and friends, creating a foundation for compassionate relationships. Through shared stories and hands-on activities, homeschool preschool cultivates cherished memories and nourishes our family relationships. For example, this easy spring wreath activity is a wonderful way to connect and create.

homeschool preschool

Saves Money

Finally, let’s not forget how much money we save by homeschooling our preschoolers! The average cost of preschool for 3-5 year olds in the U.S. is $10,000 a year. While you can certainly buy wonderful curriculum and other resources for homeschooling preschool, all you really require to preschool at home is a library card and the toys and craft supplies you probably already have at home. Even the most expensive homeschool preschool curriculum are still significantly under $1000 for an entire year! For most families, the financial cost of traditional preschool just does not provide a good return on investment.

homeschool preschool art

Top Curriculum Choices For Preschoolers

Here are a few popular homeschool curriculum choices for preschoolers:

Sonlight’s Pre-Kindergarten Package Exploring God's World REVIEW Homeschool curriculum

Here are a few additional homeschool preschool resources you can use with any curriculum plan:

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The Most Important Part Of Homeschooling Preschool

As you plan your homeschool preschool, remember that the most important priority is to build relationship and have fun with your little one. Yes, you will be encouraging language development, gross and fine motor skills, social and emotional growth, creativity, independence, and cognitive development.

But, most important, you will be tending the heart of your child, nurturing and caring for this unique soul God has entrusted to your care. You’re strengthening the relationship you already have, and you’re creating new memories through fun adventures and exploration together. It’s not always going to be easy, but having homeschooled 5 preschoolers at home myself, I can tell you that it is definitely always worth it!

homeschool preschool curriculum guide

My Favorite Resources For Homeschooling Preschool

How We Homeschool Preschool: See the homeschool preschool plan I’ve followed 5 times without ever buying curriculum. Includes our top goals for the preschool years and tips for naturally developing language and math skills.

Preschool Homeschool Curriculum Comparison Guide: DIY homeschool preschool isn’t for everyone! I’ve rounded up 8 of the best options for teaching your preschooler at home! Use this helpful homeschool curriculum comparison guide to decide on the best option for your unique family.

Preschool Picture Book Round-Up: Here are a few of our family’s favorite picture books for little learners.

Messy Mangers: This is a vulnerable, authentic look at homeschool life with 5 kids under 7-years-old by guest writer Mary Kathryn.

Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in the Homeschool Preschool: Can we bring the transcendentals into our homeschool preschool? Guest writer Laura Adams says yes!

Homeschooling with Babies and Toddlers: are you homeschooling while pregnant, nursing, or with lots of kids running around? Don’t miss my chat with homeschooling mama Stephanie Sims.

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