High School

Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology Carrie De Francisco launching big kids From Homeschool Mom to Mentor Encouragement from a Veteran Homeschooler

From Homeschool Mom to Mentor: Encouragement from a Veteran Homeschooler

Have you ever wished you could talk to a veteran homeschooler, a mom who could share long-term experience and provide encouragement and advice? Have you wondered what it’s like to transition from the role of homeschooling mom to mentor of young adult and launching big kids? In my recent conversation with Carrie de Francisco, a […]

From Homeschool Mom to Mentor: Encouragement from a Veteran Homeschooler Read More ยป

Homeschool Conversations Essential Tips for Homeschooling High Schoolers pam Barnhill

Essential Tips for Homeschooling High Schoolers

Wondering how to homeschool high school? Homeschooling gives us the opportunity to balance rigorous academics with the unique needs of their teenagers. As parents, we often wonder how to effectively prepare our high schoolers for their next stepsโ€”be it college, vocational training, or the workforce. With the right strategies and a focus on building a

Essential Tips for Homeschooling High Schoolers

Raising Our Expectationsย  Homeschooling the High School Years parenting teens

Raising Our Expectations:ย  Homeschooling the High School Yearsย 

Homeschooling and parenting teens is a time of great challenges and joys. Itโ€™s such an encouragement to hear from homeschool moms who have gone ahead of us who can share the insights theyโ€™ve gained along the way! One question we often have as parents is what we ought to expect from the teens and young

Raising Our Expectations:ย  Homeschooling the High School Yearsย  Read More ยป

homeschooling high school jennifer cabrera hifalutin homeschooler homeschool conversations

Homeschooling High School: Transforming Worries into Triumphs

Are you thinking about homeschooling through high school? Jennifer Cabrera, the seasoned homeschooling mom with 2 graduates behind the beloved Hifalutin Homeschooler website, shares insights, strategies, and firsthand experiences from her homeschooling journey. From navigating the decision to homeschool through high school to addressing common concerns and debunking myths, she shares valuable wisdom that resonates

Homeschooling High School: Transforming Worries into Triumphs

how to set your student up for success with online homeschool classes and learning

How to be successful with online homeschool classes

Online homeschool classes are not new. I took online classes myself as a homeschooled high schooler (sometimes I joke that I took them on stone tablets). But the past few years have seen an explosion of online opportunities for homeschoolers! Now parents are left wondering how to use online resources well, and how to set

How to be successful with online homeschool classes Read More ยป