Homeschooling by Grace with Joy, Wonder, and Perseverance

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Welcome: I’m glad you’re here!

Over the past few years, two words have gradually come to summarize my philosophy as a wife, mom, friend, home educator, and individual: Humility and Doxology.

I believe the best education is the one that leads to a humble view of one’s self and a glorified view of the beauty of God.  I believe that faithful consistency and wonder-filled exploration are not mutually exclusive.  I believe that relationships are more important than checklists, and that beautiful words are more valuable to memorize than inventories of facts.

I am convinced that Gospel truth alone saves us from endlessly striving and the fear, worry, and anxiety of wondering if we (and our homeschools) are enough.

Sloan Humility and Doxology homeschool conversations podcast

If you’re tired of desperately trying to do enough…

If you’re looking for joy and peace in your educational pursuits…

If you think classical education and delight-directed learning aren’t mutually exclusive…

If you believe memory work is valuable, but lists of facts seem boring…

If you want a true, good, and beautiful education, but don’t want to squeeze into a one-size-fits-all model or externally-imposed schedule…

…then join me on this journey.

Let us repent of our constant striving.

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Let us relish the joy of learning.

Let us rest in the work of Christ on our behalf.

Join me as we delve into the profound, the silly, the intriguing, the challenging, and the practical.  Here you’ll find ideas for educating your children, whether you do this at home or in a more traditional environment.  Here you’ll find tidbits for personal growth and personal entertainment and fun, because Moms-Are-People-Too.  And, of course, you will definitely find lists and lists of good books!

Let’s adventure together!

You can get to know a bit more about me and my family here. I’d love to get to know you, too!  Please sign up for my email list below. You’ll get immediate access to subscriber freebies, and you can look forward to an occasional email with personal notes, links, and fun resources.

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Standfast by grace alone!

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