learning differences

Classical Education for Students with Special Needs homechool conversations learning differences homeschooling help

Classical Education for Students with Special Needs 

Classical Education has a reputation for targeting the brightest and most precocious students and providing far too rigorous a path for any but the child prodigy. But is that actually the case? Can classical education provide a path forward for students with special needs? Indeed, classical education contributes to intellectual growth regardless of a child’s […]

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classical conversations CC homeschooling homeschool conversations podcast Charity Miner

Classical Conversations and Couch Schooling (with Charity Miner)

Today’s guest is one of my real-life local friends, Charity Miner. She is the mom of 3 teens who’ve enjoyed homeschooling with Classical Conversations, including one who is graduating this year. Charity likes to be your homeschool big sister, and her perspectives on couch schooling, homeschooling a neurodiverse child, and the end goal of Classical

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Homeschooling with Dyslexia Homeschool Conversations podcast interview learning differences Marianne Sunderland

Homeschooling with Dyslexia (with Marianne Sunderland)

What do struggles with tying your shoes, using correct prepositions, and telling time have in common? They are all early warning signs of dyslexia. These and other signs can help you discern if your child is just a late reader or is dealing with underlying learning challenges. Today’s Homeschool Conversations guest Marianne Sunderland is a

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Raising Lifelong Learners: the joys and challenges of homeschooling differently-wired, gifted, and 2E kids (with Colleen Kessler)

Homeschool Conversations is BACK for Season 3, and I am so excited you’re here with us! To kick us off this season I’m chatting with my friend Colleen Kessler all about the joys (and challenges) of homeschooling quirky, differently-wired, gifted, and twice-exceptional kids. We both share some of our own personal stories in this episode

Raising Lifelong Learners: the joys and challenges of homeschooling differently-wired, gifted, and 2E kids (with Colleen Kessler) Read More »

Homeschooling with Special Needs and Learning Differences (a video interview with Shawna Wingert)

Homeschooling a child with special needs or learning differences presents a unique set of challenges. My friend Shawna Wingert brings personal experience and professional expertise to this conversation. Whether you’re looking for personal encouragement and practical tips for homeschooling your own unique learner, or whether you want to grow in love and understanding for your

Homeschooling with Special Needs and Learning Differences (a video interview with Shawna Wingert) Read More »