Rock Your Homeschool: Avoid Overwhelm, Foster Connection, and Pursue Joy (with Amy Milcic)

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Homeschool moms can do BUSY like just about nobody else. And sometimes in the midst of the busy we forget important things like fostering connection with our kids, pursuing joy, and nurturing a growth mindset. Can we make learning fun and avoid overwhelm in our homeschooling? Amy Milcic says we can, and she joins us on this week’s Homeschool Conversations episode to share some practical tips and encouragement. Amy makes me smile every time, and I know she’ll bring a smile to your day as well!

Be sure to check out all the other interviews in our Homeschool Conversations series!

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Amy Milcic Rock Your Homeschool Podcast interview

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Who is Amy Milcic?

Amy Milcic, a homeschool soccer mom to 5 boys, believes that you can make learning & life fun, even if you feel frazzled & frustrated. She shares creative solutions so you can connect with your kids using growth mindset & interest-led learning experiences.

Amy Milcic Rock Your Homeschool Podcast interview

Watch my interview with Amy Milcic

Show Notes {with video time stamps}

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your family, and why you got started homeschooling.

Amy’s 5 boys range from 1st grade to high school senior. Before boys, she was a mental health therapist, which was probably a great preparation for being a homeschool mom. 😉

Her older 2 boys started in public school. In 3rd grade, her oldest began getting migraines due to a congenital eye problem. Homeschooling seemed like a good way to help him feel comfortable and thrive. His brothers wanted to do it, too!

Relationship and Connection are key components of their family’s approach to homeschooling.

When Amy started homeschooling, she was pretty type A. She had a typical public-school mindset ingrained in her. “I wanted to do a good job, but I wasn’t even sure what that meant!”

The fear of missing out was large at first, but now she realizes she doesn’t have to worry.

She started out thinking she’d pick the one perfect curriculum and it would work for every kid for all time. She realized that “it’s one of the beauties of homeschooling, that we have the flexibility to pick what works.”

“I had to learn to really relax, let go of some expectations, and really roll with it.”

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Amy Milcic Rock Your Homeschool Podcast interview

What has been an unexpected joy of homeschooling 5 boys? And have there been any unexpected challenges? {7:20}

The close relationships and bonds the siblings have together has been one of the unexpected joys of homeschooling Amy’s 5 boys.

Amy also said that she has been surprised by how much she herself has enjoyed homeschooling!

The challenge? Probably the grocery bill, Amy laughed.

How do we avoid overwhelm and find joy in the midst of our full homeschool lives? {11:00}

Wine and chocolate aside… ahem… Amy shared these tips:

  • Write Down your Plan

Keeping running lists helps deal with overwhelm!

  • Ask for Help

“I think a big thing with overwhelm is letting go of that idea that we have to do it all ourselves. It’s ok to ask for help.”

  • Combine Ages

What does a growth-oriented mindset look like for us as moms, and how do we encourage that in our children? {13:30}

As homeschool moms we have a lot of expectations, both that we put on ourselves and that we absorb from the outside. Amy said that it is important for us to put away the unhelpful and unrealistic “shoulds” we place on ourselves.

At the end of the day, Amy reflects back on the day and thinks of what went well and what didn’t. What was she thinking when things went wrong, and what could she do differently next time?

Amy also recommended Big Life Journal as a helpful resource to help kids develop a growth mindset.

Pay attention to the language, the words we’re using.” This even includes body language and tone.

Amy had so many helpful tips and strategies to share, so be sure to listen to the full episode!

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What does putting the “fun” in learning look like for you? {18:00}

Amy Milcic’s site is one of the most fun places around, btw, so check it out today!

“Fun is relative,” Amy smiled. She said that she learned this from Dawn Garrett, whose version of fun is so different from the Milcic family version of fun. We can get inspiration from one another, even (especially!!) if our families are different!

I use fun to take the pressure and stress off,” Amy said. Changing things up, playing a game, or something else can be a way to keep learning engaging and minimizing stress levels.

Getting goofy can be another way to break tension and bring fun to the day.

Questions for each Homeschool Conversations Guest {24:00}

What are you reading lately?

What is one thing you would say to a new homeschool parent?

“Keep it simple. We tend to overcomplicate things, and our kids just want us.”

Find Amy Milcic Online

Check out all the other interviews in my Homeschool Conversations series!

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