Homeschool Conversations 100th Episode + GIVEAWAY

100th podcast episode Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology
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Y’all. I can’t even believe it.

Cue the confetti… It’s the 100th episode of the Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology podcast! THANK YOU to listeners old and new who have made this adventure possible.

Be sure to check out all the other interviews in our Homeschool Conversations series!

Watch the video. Listen to the podcast. Read the show notes. Share with your friends!

Well, ok, it’s only sorta kinda the 100th episode. But if being a homeschool graduate and homeschool mom has taught me anything, it’s that I can step outside the box and forge my own path anytime I want.

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Silliness aside, maybe you’re looking at the podcast queue and thinking to yourself, “But, Amy, I see over 150 episodes. How is this your 100th episode?”

Why, I’m so glad you asked.

100th podcast episode and giveaway homeschool conversations with humility and doxology

{This post contains paid links. Please see disclaimer.}

From the beginning, I have always had episodes that I’ve called my regular season episodes. But then someone would publish a new book or I’d have a fun idea for an extra episode and I’d just sort of fit it in between regularly scheduled programs.

I got in the habit of calling these “bonus episodes.” 

There have also been special series like a Summer Audioblog Series and an Advent Series with guest podcast hosts. All things considered, it adds up to 150 homeschool podcast episodes pretty quickly!

So I decided that I wanted to throw myself a podcast party but it was getting too complicated to try to decide which episodes counted.

This episode that you’re listening to right now is the official 100th Regular Season Episode…which just means that you always get more than you pay for when it comes to content around here. 

I am SUPER excited about today’s episode. I’ve pulled together clips from the top episodes since Season 1. I’m sharing some behind the scenes details. And there’s even a giveaway for a lucky loyal listener…

So stick around for this very special episode of Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology. I’m glad you’re here.

How the Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology podcast got started…

First, it’s time for a little back story…

Can any of you remember your first podcast? I started listening to podcasts way back in 2010 or 2011. I’m pretty sure the very first podcasts I listened to were the “Joy the Baker Podcast,” “The Art of Simple,” and “The Home Hour.” This was way before I had a smart phone. I would download the episodes to my computer then transfer them to my tiny little mp3 player. As an extroverted stay-at-home mom with lots of littles, podcasts brought conversation and laughter and learning straight to my earbuds, livening times folding laundry, carrying me through long runs, and keeping me occupied while driving around running errands. Perhaps it was a carry-over from my childhood years growing up on talk radio, but I had a dream that maybe, just maybe, one day I’d get to host my own podcast.

Fast-forward to February 2020. The rest of the world was poised for a crisis, but I was just jumping head first into a different kind of crazy idea. Back then I couldn’t figure out a free way to host a podcast, but I did have a Facebook page and YouTube channel for my website,

My friend Matt Miner had done an interview on a podcast all about financial planning, and I thought to myself, “huh, my homeschool audience would love to hear Matt’s advice about finances. Matt’s a homeschool dad and would have good things to say.” So I asked Matt and he graciously agreed to join me for a video chat

Now, this particular episode is actually not in the Homeschool Conversations podcast feed, although the video is available on YouTube. Since I didn’t have a podcast at the time, Matt actually published the audio on his own podcast, which has since been rebranded as the Work Pants Finance podcast.

When I published that video on Facebook and YouTube, I had no idea it was the first episode of Homeschool Conversations, but I had so much fun interviewing Matt that I decided to just start emailing people and asking them if they’d like to join me for a video chat.

And for some reason…they kept saying YES! I was so excited…but also kept thinking to myself, “But, why would they say yes?!” Honestly, sometimes I’m still floored by the amazing people who have come onto this show to share their wisdom! But maybe nothing meant as much to me, especially in those first months, as when my mentor Dr. George Grant agreed to come on for a chat.

At some point in there I finally named the interview series and much later I finally got an actual microphone. So if you go back to the early episodes and I sound a little terrible…I know, and I’m sorry.

But it was still just a video interview series, not a podcast.

And that’s when my haircut changed everything… 

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August 5, 2020 I was getting a haircut when the owner of the salon told me that she had just started her own podcast. She told me about this thing called “Anchor” (now Spotify for podcasters) that was a totally free way to host episodes. I came home and started this podcast feed that afternoon!

By the end of August I had formatted and uploaded all 30 of the old video interviews and turned them into audio podcast episodes. From then on, almost all Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology episodes live in the podcast audio feed, as blog posts at, and as videos on the Humility and Doxology YouTube channel.

We’re now in the middle of Season 7 and it has been absolutely epic and a dream come true! And you guys seem to be enjoying it as well. Here’s a recent podcast review from RonnyDell:

Amazing podcast: I look forward to the time when I can sit down and listen to this podcast. Every time I listen I get to evaluate how my homeschool is going, and I get to use helpful advice from this podcast to make my homeschool journey better with my kids. Thank you for all that you do!

Thank you so much for this review, and I would love it if every one of you would take a moment to leave a podcast rating and review wherever you’re listening to this podcast. It’s not only such an encouragement to me, but it helps other homeschooling parents find Homeschool Conversations.

The more reviews, the more likely the mysterious algorithm is to suggest the show to new listeners. So THANK YOU for taking a moment to leave some stars (5 would be great) and a note saying what you love about the show.

Ok, y’all are probably getting tired hearing just my voice on a show that is usually in interview format. I’ve got a treat prepared for you! I went through each season of the podcast and found the top, most-downloaded episode from each season. 

Then I checked the top 5 downloaded episodes of all time to see if any of those weren’t in my list. Sure enough, 3 hadn’t made the initial list. In fact, 3 out of the top 5 episodes are from the same season!

Also, just for funsies, I decided to figure out the most popular bonus episode and we’ll hear that clip at the end of this episode as, well, a bonus.

Homeschool Conversations Season 1

Alright, let’s go back to season 1. The most popular episode from the first season of the podcast is “Finding the Gospel in Fairy Tales” with Angelina Stanford, which just might change the way you think about fairy tales.

Homeschool Conversations Season 2

The top episode in Season 2, no surprise, was my conversation with Charlotte Mason educator Karen Glass. I titled it “Patience, Wonder, Ignorance, and Joy in a Classical, Charlotte Mason education.” Yeah, so maybe I have trouble coming up with short and snappy titles, but our chat was filled with so much goodness that it’s one people still return to today!

Homeschool Conversations Season 3

Another Classical, Charlotte Mason educator ended up as the most popular guest in Season 3. My conversation with Adrienne Freas touched on topics like the Trivium as curriculum and pedagogy, the role of picture study and nature study in developing contemplation, and the realities and challenges of homeschool motherhood.

Homeschool Conversations Season 4

We’re all looking for freedom and flexibility in our homeschooling, so it’s no surprise that Emily Copeland’s episode ended up at the top of the list for Season 4. Her encouragement to under-plan and over-deliver, her focus on relationships and the individual persons in our homes, and her experience overcoming the need to prove herself and moving into a place of homeschooling freedom was an encouragement to us all.

Homeschool Conversations Season 5

Season 5 was a barn burner of a season, with 3 of my top episodes of all time! But coming out on top not only in Season 5 but as the Number One Downloaded Episode of all time is my chat with Mariel Howsepian, a public school teacher and homeschooling mom, titled “School – vs – Education.” 

Homeschool Conversations Season 6

Last season, season 6, your favorite episode was definitely my chat with Amber Smith called “Keys to a Successful Homeschool Year.” Amber Smith and I talked about the priority of relationships and family culture, the value of reading aloud and modeling lifelong learning, the importance of setting boundaries and expectations, and more.

Homeschool Conversations Top 5

So those are the top episodes from each of the previous seasons of the podcast, but Wait! There’s more! When I checked the top 5 episodes of all time I saw 3 episodes that were in the top 5 but weren’t the top in their own seasons.

First up, my spicy episode with Gina Munsey, “Resisting the Homeschool Stereotypes.”

Also popular is my conversation with Modern Miss Mason, aka Leah Boden.

And, last but not least, my conversation on Life Giving Motherhood with Min Hwang.

Y’all, this is just a sample of all the goodness just waiting in your podcast feed to encourage your homeschool mama heart! I encourage you to scroll back down the feed and check out some of the older episodes. They make great accompaniment for summer road trips, long walks, or a little bit of homeschool mom professional development time.

Oh, and I promised you that bonus episode clip, but first, let me tell you about the giveaway I have going on this week in honor of the 100th episode. One lucky winner will receive the book A Child’s Introduction to Poetry by Michael Driscoll, one size Large “Real Goths Don’t Wear Black they Sack Rome” t-shirt, a $25 giftcard to the Humility and Doxology shop, and a $50 giftcard to the bookstore of your choice, like Amazon, Thriftbooks, or your favorite local book shop. 

Homeschool Conversations Top Bonus Episode

Ok, one last clip for you. Although this is the 100th regular season episode, like I said at the beginning… there are a whole lot of bonus episode in this podcast feed! Your top bonus episode download is probably not a surprise… it’s my conversation with Sarah Mackenzie. 

Thank you for listening to the Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology podcast!

Thank you to each listener and each guest for being a part of this podcast community. It has been a true joy to chat with so many amazing homeschool moms, dads, and other educators over the past couple years. By God’s grace, I look forward to many more to come!

Don’t forget to enter the GIVEAWAY!

I’d love to hear from you! Leave a podcast review and it just might be featured in a future podcast episode! 

Check out all the other interviews in my Homeschool Conversations series!

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2 thoughts on “Homeschool Conversations 100th Episode + GIVEAWAY”

  1. Elizabeth Tefft

    Dear Amy,
    I’ve been so blessed and encouraged by what you share! It is a joy to be part of your listening community. Thank you for your commitment and your heart for people. Congratulations on your 100th episode!!
    God bless you!
    Liz Tefft

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