Book List

Olympics Books Kids

Best Olympics Books for Kids: learn the history and explore the sports of the Olympic Games

It’s not too soon to begin rounding up books about the Olympics for your kids. Learn all about the history of the Olympic games and what the Olympics are like today from this Gold Medal Book List! Don’t miss these fabulous homeschool Olympics resources. I have loved watching the Olympics ever since I was a […]

Best Olympics Books for Kids: learn the history and explore the sports of the Olympic Games Read More »

where to buy books online best places to buy books amazon alternative

Online Book Shopping Guide

Want to know where to buy books online other than Amazon? Here are a few of the best places to buy books online as an alternative to Amazon and the other major Behemoths. Below you’ll find sources for new books, vintage and collectibles, used books, print periodicals, and more! Some are super tiny, family-run sites.

Online Book Shopping Guide Read More »

Missy Andrews Center for Lit My Divine Comedy interview

Identity, Grace, and a Literary Life (video interview with Missy Andrews from Center for Lit)

I’ve often wished I could have Missy Andrews from Center for Lit over for coffee and a chat in my living room. The realities of geography, alas, preclude that. But this conversation is the next best thing. If you’ve struggled with your identity as a homeschool mom, if you’ve wondered how to incorporate literary analysis

Identity, Grace, and a Literary Life (video interview with Missy Andrews from Center for Lit) Read More »

Fun Winter and Snow Homeschool Ideas

Snowy Homeschool: picture books, art, and fun wintry activities to learn about snow in your homeschool

Winter days call for cups of hot cocoa and stacks of picture books. What could be better than enjoying picture books about snow in your homeschool? Pair these lovely read-alouds with some poetry, art, and other simple activities for a cozy, snowy homeschool day! Note: real snow is not required…which is a good thing for

Snowy Homeschool: picture books, art, and fun wintry activities to learn about snow in your homeschool Read More »

Homeschool Science Weather

Textbook-Free Science: all the resources you’ll need to learn about WEATHER in your homeschool!

Want to explore the topic of weather in your homeschool science? Here’s a complete textbook-free resource guide for your homeschool learners! All ages are sure to enjoy this homeschool science weather study! Our family keeps science pretty simple in the elementary years. We follow interests (in this case, my daughter’s curiosity about the weather). We

Textbook-Free Science: all the resources you’ll need to learn about WEATHER in your homeschool! Read More »

nonfiction graphic book list

Nonfiction Graphic Novels for Kids and Teens

The graphic novel format isn’t limited to fiction. Nonfiction works in the graphic novel style can be a delightful read for kids, teens, and adults. Here are some of the nonfiction graphic novels my children have enjoyed. What? Why Nonfiction Graphic Novels? (and do I have to? {spoiler alert: no}) The graphic novel combines words

Nonfiction Graphic Novels for Kids and Teens Read More »